Tom Kolodziej, Driving Instructor in Swadlincote and Burton

Tom is a fully qualified DVSA approved driving instructor. Tom mainly delivers driving lessons in Swadlincote and Burton. He is currently instructing in Vauxhall Corsa.
Tom speaks both Polish and English.
My priority will be to teach you how to drive safely. I am going to help you develop skills that you need to pass the driving test and become a safe driver. I promise to pass on as much knowledge about driving as possible, and will be able to give you constructive advice how to correct any driving mistakes you may make. I will always give you clear instruction and explain to you what will be cover during each driving lesson.
I will make lessons interesting by taking you to different areas around Burton to make sure you will learn to drive independently on all types of roads. I am very patience and calm. Your lessons will be in Vauxhall Corsa that is perfect car for a learner.
Witam. Jestem jednym z niewielu polskich instruktorow a Anglii. Priorytetem na naszych lekcjach bedzie nauka jak jezdzic bezpiecznie oraz jak zdac egzamin praktyczny. Na lekcjach bede przekazywal Ci jak najwieksza wiedza o kontroli auta oraz przepisach. Na kazdy blad ktory zrobisz bede mogl Ci doradzic jak go naprawic, zeby twoja jazda byla plynna oraz bezpieczna. W czasie lekcji bede uzywal jezyka angielskiego do dawania Ci instukcji jazdy w ten sam sposob jak egzaminatorzy,a po polsku bede tlumaczyl wszystkie watpliwosci odnosnie jezdzenia w UK. Jestem bardzo cierpliwy i obiecuje ze nie bede podnoscil glosu na naszych lekcjach. Lekcje beda sie odbywac w Vauxhall Corsa.
Tom’s recent driving test passes…
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