Ashlee Alexander

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ProTeach was recommended to me by my brother who after 3 attempts with other driving instructors, passed first time with Proteach driving instructor Matt Lawler.
I now have lessons with Matt once a week, I’ve had some bad experiences in the past with other driving instructors which had left me nervous to say the least. Matt has been a patient instructor, and is helping me gain the confidence I need to be a good driver. I am confident that when matt tells me I should take my test I will be ready!
Driving with Matt is not like other driving instructors, he has the radio on and chats with you for the whole hour (he also teaches too) which I think is great because when you pass your test and your on your own you will be able to focus when having these little distraction around you.
I would definitely recommend ProTeach to any learner driver.

Ashlee Alexander

Ashlee Alexander